BC offers study abroad opportunities, students take advantage

Monica Exantus Contributing Writer Before studying abroad in Spain, Stephanie Sylvester, a Broward College student who was in Spain last semester as part of BC’s study abroad program, never left the U.S. “I always wanted to travel out of the country. Before coming to Spain, I had never traveled outside of the United States. I…Continue Reading BC offers study abroad opportunities, students take advantage

Videogame Okami is revived through HD remasterization for newer platforms

Ōkami HD is a remaster of the classic game Ōkami, which was first released on PS2 in 2006 and then ported to Wii in 2008, where it became one of the most praised games on the platform, although it didn’t get good sales. …Continue Reading Videogame Okami is revived through HD remasterization for newer platforms

BC Dean wins silver medal in Dragon Boat Racing World Championship

Between teaching classes and grading papers, professors never have the time to relax. This is especially the case for Scott Miller, the Dean of Arts, Humanities, Communications and Design at Broward College….Continue Reading BC Dean wins silver medal in Dragon Boat Racing World Championship

Broward College works to ease transfer process for students

Following in the efforts to provide an easy transfer for students graduating with their AA or AS, Broward College recently signed two additional articulation agreements, also known as transfer agreements….Continue Reading Broward College works to ease transfer process for students