Anabel Sanchez Online Editor This month at Broward College South Campus, we are granted an immersive look into the latest creation of one of South Florida’s most imaginative artists. Broward College’s own Jônatas Chimen Dias DaSilva-Benayon debuts an exhibit that was months in the making. In contribution for Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated Sept. 1-30,…Continue Reading Art exhibit on South commemorates Hispanic Heritage Month
Students can take the aqua challenge at Tigertail Lake

Monica Exantus Central Bureau Chief Do you enjoy watersports? Are you looking for a safe and secure place to have fun with your family? If you like sailing, scuba diving, team building, ropes, kayaking, windsurfing, canoeing, stand-up paddleboard and climbing parties, Broward College’s Tigertail Lake Recreational Center is the best place for your next…Continue Reading Students can take the aqua challenge at Tigertail Lake
Sept. 11 Memorial Museum in New York honors victims

Stephanie Sylvester Editor-in-Chief Thursday, August 30 at 2:30 p.m. I walked with the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Before walking with them, I went through the “TSA line” to have my purse checked and body scanned. Being checked like that before entering the 9/11 Memorial Museum was the first thing that…Continue Reading Sept. 11 Memorial Museum in New York honors victims
Photojournalism captures emotions of Parkland shooting

Michael Gennaro North Bureau Chief Photojournalist Ian Witlen visited the North Campus coffeehouse on Aug. 28 to chat with students and share the stories behind the photographs he took following the Parkland shooting last February. Witlen, who has snapped pictures for Billboard, Rolling Stone, Spin and other major publications, described the untold stories behind…Continue Reading Photojournalism captures emotions of Parkland shooting
Miami Beach, other cities ban plastic drinking straws

Stephanie Sylvester Editor-in-chief Florida has one of the most extensive environmental statutes in its state constitution than any other state in the nation. One may ask why is the environment so important to Florida especially? Florida’s geographical location, weather, vegetation and wildlife plays a huge role in the government’s decisions to produce stricter laws…Continue Reading Miami Beach, other cities ban plastic drinking straws
Dolphins officials in debate over disciplining players for kneeling

Stephanie Sylvester Editor-in-chief In May of this year, the NFL decided to implement disciplinary measures in fines against players that do not stand for the pledge of the allegiance before games. The Miami Dolphins team officials are currently in debate as to whether players will be disciplined for sitting or kneeling on the sidelines and…Continue Reading Dolphins officials in debate over disciplining players for kneeling
Let’s Pop Some Tags

Stephanie Sylvester Editor-in-chief One of the most important things to a college student other than getting that paper in by 11:59 p.m. or studying for finals is saving money in any way they can. Well, guess what? Just for being a Broward College student, one can automatically save some serious coinage at select restaurants,…Continue Reading Let’s Pop Some Tags
Why voting beyond one election is everything

Erick Mendez Contributing Writer I don’t know how many of you will see this because numbers are always important. One number makes a difference. One more can translate into votes. 2018, like any other year, should be about making a difference within our communities starting with the August 28 Primary elections in Florida. When…Continue Reading Why voting beyond one election is everything
Don’t miss the drama: catch up on Season 5 Power on Netflix

Cassandra St. Fleur Contributing Writer All that glitters is not gold. Apparently, James “Ghost” St. Patrick, played by Omar Hardwick, may have power, but he does not have control of his surroundings. On previous seasons, Ghost runs into his high school sweetheart, Angela and everything takes a drastic turn. In the midst of rekindling…Continue Reading Don’t miss the drama: catch up on Season 5 Power on Netflix
New shark movie, The Meg, an entertaining good time

Doris Pace South Bureau Chief If you are a fan of Jason Statham, cheesy horror comedy and shark films, this is a movie for you. Not quite a horror film, part comedy and part action film, The Meg feels like a tribute to the classic Jaws with an action filling. Jonas Wilson played by…Continue Reading New shark movie, The Meg, an entertaining good time