BOT, student wi-fi and North Campus …Continue Reading Wifi, signage at North Campus discussed at BOT
Wifi, signage at North Campus discussed at BOT

BOT, student wi-fi and North Campus …Continue Reading Wifi, signage at North Campus discussed at BOT
How students of BC make a difference on MLK Day…Continue Reading MLK day of service: students can make a difference
He decided to work behind the scenes and obtained an Associates in Science in Music and Video Business from the Art Institute in Fort Lauderdale. Later on, he wanted to be a college professor. …Continue Reading Marius Voicu: from rockstar to BC film professor
Dolores Vil Contributing Writer Recently the Observer student newspaper had the honor of hosting a Pulitzer Prize winner Brittany Wallman from the Sun-Sentinel. The Observer, housed on South Campus, is Broward College’s collegewide bi-weekly student-produced newspaper, which is open to all enrolled students of all majors. Students get the opportunity to showcase their media skills…Continue Reading Pulitzer Prize winner visits students on campus
The impact of campus involvement and GSA…Continue Reading Gender Sexuality Alliance Club provides support to students
BC students perform at a recent gallery opening…Continue Reading Student band performs during recent art gallery at South
Noel Cabrera Sports Editor “I think we’re right where we need to be. Our intensity, our attention to detail is getting much better. This is just a special group,” said Men’s Basketball Coach Anthony Anderson. The Broward College Seahawks stand at 8-4 on the record midway through the season as they head into conference play…Continue Reading BC’s 2019-2020 men’s basketball mid-season update
New angst for the Star Wars series…Continue Reading Do we all need a massive break from Star Wars
A new take on an old film…Continue Reading Horror from east to west: How they scare you
Cheap childcare alternative for BC students…Continue Reading Early childhood learning center at BC offers specialized curriculum