Broward College puts an end to their entire Athletics Department

Noel Cabrera Editor in Chief As we continue to live in this battle with COVID-19, we start to see the economic downfall around our country. We are seeing this affect the education systems as well, and with that comes the cutting of certain departments such as athletics. We are witnessing many universities and colleges across…Continue Reading Broward College puts an end to their entire Athletics Department

Discover Your Creativity through the Fall of 2020

Arianna Allen Online and Podcast Editor Even though Broward College has decided to continue remote learning into the fall semester of 2020 to attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19, it does not mean that we have to stop the development of our creativity that ignites our souls. Our intricate brains were designed with such…Continue Reading Discover Your Creativity through the Fall of 2020

What was Broward College’s First Step in the Right Direction to Combat the Racial War?

Arianna Allen Online and Podcast Editor Broward College came together as one community on Friday, June 5, 2020 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. through a virtual Student Town Hall for students, faculty, and staff to attend in regards to the racial injustice that our country has been facing. According to the Student Services email…Continue Reading What was Broward College’s First Step in the Right Direction to Combat the Racial War?

How is Broward College planning on celebrating the Class of 2020?

Arianna Allen Online and Podcast Editor In the uncertainty of the global pandemic of COVID-19, one thing is certain–Broward College will be celebrating the Class of 2020 by holding a virtual commencement ceremony on June 6, 2020, at 1 p.m. While talking with Carlos Parra, the Director of Student Affairs, he emphasized the idea of…Continue Reading How is Broward College planning on celebrating the Class of 2020?

My South Florida Music Binge Journey in Quarantine Chapter Two: Darling Fire ignites the flame to start our Music Journey

Elliot Tritto Central Bureau Chief Living in South Florida under self-isolation presents many challenges. Unanswered questions lead to an open mind to which escaping from reality plays an important role to stay sane. One method that helps includes finding a selection of local bands to listen to. As I’ve previously stated in the first chapter…Continue Reading My South Florida Music Binge Journey in Quarantine Chapter Two: Darling Fire ignites the flame to start our Music Journey

BC Students Expect Financial Relief Aid

Curtis Michaud News Editor “I was laid off because of COVID-19 for about two months now and paying for things has been a hassle,” said Broward College (BC) student Paulina Clement, who is studying to become a social worker, and is one of many BC students who is affected by the pandemic. As Florida enters…Continue Reading BC Students Expect Financial Relief Aid

How Can “The Last Dance” Unite Us Through COVID-19?

Arianna Allen Staff Writer Expectedly waiting—hope. Hope in a time where the world seems utterly hopeless. Hope through the fear of the effects of COVID-19. Hope. When you think about it, hope is what propels individuals to continue pursuing their dreams. Hope cannot be seen, but it is internal within the depths of an individual’s…Continue Reading How Can “The Last Dance” Unite Us Through COVID-19?

Broward’s Men’s Basketball commits three players to Division I programs

Noel Cabrera Editor in Chief Broward College Men’s Basketball team recently announced the commitments of three sophomores that will go on to play at Division 1 collegiate programs. Guard Darien Jenkins committed to Texas State, forward DeAndre Pinckney committed to Southern Miss, and forward/center Jongkor Ajongo committed to Chicago State. These three players played a…Continue Reading Broward’s Men’s Basketball commits three players to Division I programs

The NFL Draft just went virtual

Noel Cabrera Editor in Chief Amongst all this pandemic and crisis, the NFL Draft came and went and it couldn’t have gone any smoother. There was a great deal of high tension and nervousness on how the draft would go as the draft was conducted virtually for the first time ever due to COVID-19. We…Continue Reading The NFL Draft just went virtual

My South Florida music binge journey in quarantine Chapter 1: The beginning

Elliot Tritto Central Bureau Chief “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and the latest,” said Henry David Thoreau. Music establishes itself as an untouched entity that fixes all our solutions in a heartbeat. Often, when I’m in a depressive…Continue Reading My South Florida music binge journey in quarantine Chapter 1: The beginning