Category: Features

Social media and devices: Is connecting disconnecting us?

Anabel Sanchez      Online Editor   If you walk into a classroom or a waiting room, the chances of you finding someone fiddling on their phone is higher than not. The pull of YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the endless array of other social media platforms draws in everyone from 12-year-olds to seniors.  Approaching twenty…Continue Reading Social media and devices: Is connecting disconnecting us?

The Way I Make Up: Volume Two

Michelle Castano Editor in Chief In present day, the beauty industry is a multi-million-dollar industry. Makeup, skincare, haircare, you name it and items are flying off the shelves.  In fact, cosmetics company, Tarte states that their cult favorite makeup concealer is sold every 12 seconds.  Makeup collections are being launched daily, whether it be Milk Makeup’s…Continue Reading The Way I Make Up: Volume Two

A divine panel on Black Greek letter organizations

Stephanie Sylvester Copy Editor History Professor Dr. Robert Morris hosted an event Thursday, Feb. 28 in efforts to raise awareness of the roles the nine Black Greek-Lettered sororities and fraternities play in communities worldwide. The panel consisted of five intellectual sorority and fraternity members who spoke eloquently to students and faculty members on their experiences….Continue Reading A divine panel on Black Greek letter organizations

Throwing shades: Are makeup brands diverse enough?

Anabel Sanchez Online Editor   After decades of frustration, beauty companies have finally turned a new leaf. Makeup lovers of color are finally seeing the results of years of pleading to beauty brands to include more shades that fit them. Whether it be in Sephora, Ulta, Target, or Walmart, when one turns to the beauty…Continue Reading Throwing shades: Are makeup brands diverse enough?

The way I makeup: Volume 1

Michelle Castano      Editor-in-Chief The age of the influencer. The age of the Instagram model. Ten years ago, we wouldn’t have imagined that these trendy hobbies would be become lucrative careers. Within the beauty industry, we are seeing beauty bloggers collaborating with well- known makeup brands.  Most recently, Colourpop Cosmetics launched a loose pigment…Continue Reading The way I makeup: Volume 1

The big chill: Polar vortex freezes the northern U.S.

Anabel Sanchez Online Editor   Schools have closed, wet hair freezes within minutes and boiled water turns into ice within seconds. Mimicking imagery straight out of “Day After Tomorrow”, a phenomenon known as the polar vortex has assaulted the north of the U.S this winter. The blistering cold has caused numerous business and mail services…Continue Reading The big chill: Polar vortex freezes the northern U.S.

The rundown on the U.S. government shutdown

Anabel Sanchez Online Editor By now, everyone has heard of the ominous U.S. government shutdown, which began at midnight on December 21, 2018. Many may not know exactly what it entails, but certain keywords floating around the discourse such as “immigration,” “wall,” and “funding” might have slipped into peoples’ awareness.  So, what exactly is the…Continue Reading The rundown on the U.S. government shutdown

Volunteer organization cleans up pollution on beaches

Jacqueline Michaud South Bureau Chief Starting in 2007, after kayaking on his local bay, founder Dave Doebler said, “I started noticing a lot of trash floating in the water- mainly plastic bottles, Styrofoam and cigarette butts. I was no longer able to just float around and enjoy my Sunday afternoon kayaks, and I had…Continue Reading Volunteer organization cleans up pollution on beaches