Since the invention of cinema, the movies have always been a place for people to enjoy themselves. People would often save up what little they had to just forget their problems and become lost in the glamor of Hollywood magic and go see the latest film starring their favorite movie stars….Continue Reading New service will become the Netflix of the movie theater
The Dictator’s Handbook relevant in the times of President Trump
The Dictator’s Handbook is a gritty manual, pulling back the niceties and procedure of politics to show the back room bartering that takes place in smoke-filled rooms. …Continue Reading The Dictator’s Handbook relevant in the times of President Trump
Alexander Hamilton; A revolutionary play on America’s History
“How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar?”…Continue Reading Alexander Hamilton; A revolutionary play on America’s History
A new superhero makes his way into the Avengers
A new Spider-Man for a new generation.
Spider-Man Homecoming premiered July 7. The fantasy film originally made its debut in 2002 and is back for another version.
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Top Five Games Coming Out This Fall
Star Wars Battlefront 2:
The campaign in Star Wars Battlefront 2 focuses on a unit of Emperial Soldiers led by a character named Iden Versio. This game mainly focuses on characters from the dark side so the player will be able to play as multiple villains, but there will also be playable heroes as well.
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Why gamers game
Many of the things that were once seen as ‘nerdy’ or for ‘geeks’ have become mainstreamin the past few years. But most widely accepted of them are videogames. …Continue Reading Why gamers game