Category: Entertainment

Herb crusted salmon just for you!

Priscila Rego Contributing Writer Growing up with a Family that comes from Spain, I learned to love eating Seafood, it’s so fresh. There is something about food that comes from the Ocean; it just tastes so rich and delicious. Salmon per say is probably my favorite Fish to eat, if you bake is at the…Continue Reading Herb crusted salmon just for you!

The 2019 Grammy Awards: We are music

Frandsly Mere Contributing Writer “Together, #WeAreMusic.” The Grammys have lived and breathed this quote for a whopping 61 years and will continue to do so as wonderful new talent breeds into the industry.  The Grammy awards presented by the Recording Academy are a token of recognition and celebration of the greatness and deep accomplishments in…Continue Reading The 2019 Grammy Awards: We are music

Roswell, New Mexico should be abducted for second season

Michelle Castano Editor-in-Chief The CW. Home to many supernatural young adult highly rated television shows such as The Vampire Diaries, it’s series spin-off known as The Originals, and most recently, Riverdale. Airing on Jan. 15, the CW premiered its latest supernatural show, called Roswell, New Mexico. Back in the late 90’s, early 2000’s the original…Continue Reading Roswell, New Mexico should be abducted for second season

Paleolithic skewers & asparagus just for you

Priscila Rego Contributing Writer I have been writing and trying recipes for longer than what I can remember… I was one of those little girls who lived by her plastic doll kitchen, cooking up all sorts of sandy goodness.  Well, after a few good years of practice, I’ve come to adventure more and more into…Continue Reading Paleolithic skewers & asparagus just for you

Super Bowl 53: What happened?

Elliot Tritto Central Bureau Chief Super Bowl 53 was a bit of a disappointment. People have regarded this as the “worst Super Bowl” due to the Patriots taking home the championship for the sixth time, a lame half-time performance and a surprising report of low ratings.  Although the game itself looked to be unremarkable, it…Continue Reading Super Bowl 53: What happened?

A movement: Representation in animation

Anabel Sanchez Online Editor For decades, animation has managed to provide a platform that showcases fantasies and stories that stem from the furthest reaches of creators’ imaginations. Now, with the American cultural shift and the advent of social media, fans have been able to voice their desires—through no shortage of impassioned interactions—to see inclusive characters…Continue Reading A movement: Representation in animation

Top 5 Shows College students should watch

Elliot Tritto Central Bureau Chief       Everyone can agree that transitioning from high school to college is stressful. It’s the period where we learn how to manage our time, rely on our ourselves, understand the importance of working hard, go through crappy break-ups, and above all, how to invest. Sometimes in life it’s nice to…Continue Reading Top 5 Shows College students should watch

Needed STAT: All the details of Grey’s Anatomy season 15

Jacqueline Michaud South Bureau Chief For all of the fans of the blood-rushing, heart-thumping and addicting ABC television series Grey’s Anatomy, there has no doubtedly been the infamous question of when the series would finally air Season 15, Episode 9? After leaving everyone on a nerve-wrecking cliff hanger, viewers around the globe will be happy…Continue Reading Needed STAT: All the details of Grey’s Anatomy season 15

What are your options: The illusion of choice?

Thandie Brown        Contributing Writer Those of us with resolutions may have encountered the consequences of our choices following the New Year. With deadlines, classes, jobs and the little space of free time available for Broward College’s students, the thought of having everything available to you all at once seems convenient – almost…Continue Reading What are your options: The illusion of choice?

Punisher 2 review: One batch, two batch, will there be more?

Elliot Tritto Central Bureau Chief Netflix’s the Punisher resides, to me, as one of the greatest superhero shows that’ ever been on screen. The Punisher accomplishes this by having masterful storytelling, relatable characters, choreographed action sequences and a pulse-pounding musical score. Rarely do I binge-watch television shows yet with all these boundless aspects, the show…Continue Reading Punisher 2 review: One batch, two batch, will there be more?