Category: BC News

Congratulations President Haile: BC students welcome you!

Mia Bigs     Contributing Writer   Like most students who are new to higher education, I was very nervous when I began attending classes on the Broward College campus. I was no less shy later in my first semester when I was introduced to Gregory Haile at a general assembly hosted by Broward College’s…Continue Reading Congratulations President Haile: BC students welcome you!

Start on the right track with College Academy

Clara Melo De Paula          Contributing Writer   High School is already challenging enough for most students; all the tests, projects, SATs and college applications can sometimes be hard to keep up with. Yet some students still feel like they aren’t living up to their full potential and Broward County felt the…Continue Reading Start on the right track with College Academy

Applying for a federal work study job 101

Stephanie Sylvester Copy Editor The Federal Work-Study program is a program that provides employment to students with financial need. In order to qualify for Federal Work-Study, one must be eligible for Financial Aid. Some schools and departments may set additional requirements in regards to work experience, GPA, or major.  Before applying to a work-study job,…Continue Reading Applying for a federal work study job 101

Students have opportunities to study abroad

Thandie Brown Staff Writer Studying abroad is one the most exciting things you can do in college outside of starting your own club and finishing your degree on time.  Broward College’s Study Abroad homepage defines study abroad as, “an academic program which provides students with the opportunity to travel the world while earning credit toward…Continue Reading Students have opportunities to study abroad

Human Services, a helping profession degree now offered at BC Human Services

Michelle Castano Editor-in-Chief Broward College created a 60 credit Human Services Associate of Science degree. According to BC, this degree is designed for people seeking employment or advancements in human services.  “Our ultimate goal is to get you an associate degree, get you a job in the field, and we are hoping to one day,…Continue Reading Human Services, a helping profession degree now offered at BC Human Services

BC awards $200k to volunteer groups for MLK week of service

Michael Gennaro North Bureau Chief On the third Monday in January each year, Americans observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a federal holiday. On this day, citizens remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dignity in the face of oppression, his compassion and most importantly, citizens remember the initiatives he took to…Continue Reading BC awards $200k to volunteer groups for MLK week of service

Florida rates new highs for STDs, BC offers educational programs

STDs are on the rise in Florida, and BC’s Student Life offices hold different educational programs about HIV/STD prevention throughout the year.   Anabel Sanchez Online Editor Despite national and local campaigns for safe sex over the last decade, gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis are on the rise as the top sexually transmitted diseases for the…Continue Reading Florida rates new highs for STDs, BC offers educational programs

Broward College offers 11 different 10K Bachelor degrees

Melissa Getter recently graduated with a BAS in Supervision and Management. Photo Courtesy of Melissa Getter   Jacqueline Michaud South Bureau Chief   Launching in 2015, Broward College, along with a state initiative provided by Governor Rick Scott, broke new ground in broadening their educational horizons and expanding their curriculum to incorporate the $10K initiative-…Continue Reading Broward College offers 11 different 10K Bachelor degrees

BC takes #factchecking to a whole new level

Jacqueline Michaud Contributing Writer   When there is a will, there is a way. The will in 2016 was to help students improve their grades and understanding of two essential writing crafts- researching and citation checking. Through creating the Walk-In Research Clinic & Citation Check Event Program, BC South Campus Faculty Librarians Lori Albrizio and…Continue Reading BC takes #factchecking to a whole new level