A head start on Thanksgiving with BC’s Hawks-giving feast

Karisma Polly

Staff Writer

In our previous semester during the fall on Central Campus, Broward College students and staff gathered to enjoy a great meal, socialize, and listen to live music at the annual Hawks-giving feast. 

The Hawks-giving feast was like a miniature Thanksgiving festival; it included live music, good food and was very well attended. According to Sabrina Bell, who is the coordinator of Student Life and one of the event organizers, she said “the purpose of the event is to engage students and faculty together so that everyone can mingle and have conversations and get to know each other on a different level.” She added, “This is not the only event they have; Monday-Thursday Student Life has many events for students to engage in.” And with the number of students and faculty that kept pouring in, and the sounds of people in conversation, that purpose was achieved.

Additionally, many of the students found the event welcoming. “I came to this event because it looked very interesting and nice to enjoy,” said Julianna Mollak, a first-year student at Broward College. The Hawks-giving feast also gave students the chance to spend time with other students. “I came to this event because I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring my friends together and sit, eat and enjoy a meal,” said student Amila Bartley. 

Not only was it a welcoming event and gave students the opportunity to spend time with each other but it also gave staff members the opportunity to interact with other staff. “My favorite part of this event is seeing people you don’t usually see in different departments all in one space,” said Broward College staff member Sylivia Selva. The Hawks-giving feast also included many other elements which students and staff greatly enjoyed, such as the Broward College band.

Many of the students and staff loved the music and the food at the Hawks-giving feast. “I am really enjoying the music and food so far,” said Chelsea Almonte. In fact, the music could be heard all across campus. “I heard the music all the way from building 5 and was like, wow,” said Alex Orococo. There were also specific dishes that students enjoyed. “I liked the mac and cheese,” said Justin Michels. Students also enjoyed the lasagna, turkey, jerk sauce, corn bread, chicken, and many of the students loved the stuffing as well.

Overall, The Hawks-giving feast was a great event that brought everyone together before the Thanksgiving break. It provided faculty and students a chance to indulge in a wonderful Thanksgiving meal and listen to amazing music played by the Broward College band. 

Now, if you enjoyed this event there are many more events in January like the Welcome Back Bash on Jan.15, along with the Lunar New Year Party on Jan. 29. Try going to these events, they might just give you the same experience as the Hawks-giving feast.


caption   Students enjoying their meal at the Hawksgiving Feast.

 Photo by Karisma Polly/The Observer

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