Karisma Polly
Staff Writer
On Central Campus, members of the Campus Christian Ministries (CCM) Club voice their opinions on what it is like to be part of the club, share some of the activities they participate in, and give insight to prospective club members.
What is it all about? Campus Christian inistries Club brings people together, allows each person to be themselves and gives not only Christians but everyone the opportunity to learn and talk about Jesus. According to Dorothy Easely, the club supervisor, the purpose of the club “is to bring Christians together for fellowship on campus, to bless our campus and to spread the gospel.” From listening to perspectives of club members, it seems like the club reaches that goal every time they meet. Club activities During meetings, members of CCM engage in various activities. These activities include bible studies, card games, and viewing movies. “We do talk about bible studies, which is one of the main points of going to a Christian club, we also do events like Kahoot’s, or we do events where we try to see if we can help people in the community,” said Matthew Dunkin, club president. They also participate in many other activities as well. Why others became a member and insight Students part of the club had many different reasons for joining. “I wanted to find more Christian-orientated people in this school,” said Joseph Zoolan, a club member and officer. Some students had more in-depth reasons for joining. “I have always been a spiritual person; most times I find excuses not to get closer to the lord so I felt like during this club it would push me,” said Amoy Mackenzie, club member. Club members also gave insight or tips to anyone who wants to join. “I would tell them to just try it, to not be intimated whether you’re still on the bent or not to just come to see how it goes and if you like it, come again and if you like it again, come again then go from there to figure out if this a club that you would like to be in because it is not a demanding club,” said Joan Bell, a club member and officer. Out of multiple viewpoints, the environment of the club seems very pleasant and open. “I would tell them that we are very welcoming. Anyone who wants to come can come. They’ll get some nice food and drinks, and we will just go over god’s word,” said Emily Rodriguez, a club member and officer.
Well-liked club qualities
Club members of Campus Christian Ministries Club have a collective opinion on club qualities or their favorite parts of the club. “I like the group meetings here, everybody’s back story here and talking about god,” said Ricardo Martino, club member and officer. Club members also enjoy the company of people in the club and being able to just talk with others. “The fact that I get to connect with people and spend time with them,” said Trevor, club member. Club members also enjoy the fact that the club meetings involve learning and fun. Campus Christian
Ministries club in a nutshell
Campus Christian Ministries is a club that allows Christians and everyone to connect with each other. It is a space where you can learn about Jesus and spread the gospel. It is also open to anyone who is interested. So, whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of the bible or simply find a place to belong. If you’re curious, consider attending a meeting to see what it’s all about. You might just find that Campus Christian Ministries is the club for you.

caption: Photo courtesy of Broward College