Broward College Student Life: Explore a diverse range of clubs

Sara Fuentes

Staff Writer

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant student life at Broward College? It does not matter which campus students decide to attend. Whether it is the North, Central, or South Campus, get ready to explore various clubs and organizations catering to multiple interests and passions.

From academic and professional groups to cultural and recreational organizations, there is something for everyone to get involved in and find their community.

Embrace the opportunity to connect with like -minded peers, develop new skills and make lasting memories. Broward College Student Life is where students can discover their passions and create unforgettable experiences.College students getting involved with a club or organization have a more positive development of life skills with broader knowledge and cultural experiences when starting college.

“Joining a student organization enriches your college experience, helps develop valuable skills, and builds a network for academic and professional goals. It fosters a sense of school pride and belonging, allows for event creation, offers travel opportunities, and can lead to better academic performance.

Overall, getting involved opens unexpected opportunities and broadens horizons,” said North Campus director Stefan DeCosta.

Central Campus Director Joe Tinsley said, “the programs aim to expose students to diverse cultures, historical perspectives and multifaceted issues, providing them with a broad understanding of global diversity and multiculturalism.” South Campus Director Leo DeAraujo said, “joining student organizations in college offers numerous benefits that contribute to personal and professional development.”

Students at Broward College get involved in campus clubs for several reasons, such as making new friends who share their interests, developing new skills, creating memories and enhancing their college learning experiences. 

According to DeAraujo, “the benefits of joining clubs and organizations at BC include networking opportunities with peers and professional networks, leadership skills development, personal growth, community engagement and social benefits such as relationship building and stress relief. Additionally, DeCosta mentioned that joining clubs can enhance learning opportunities, leadership development, cultural exposure, scholarships, travel opportunities and resource access. Daniela Iregui, an international student from Colombia at Broward College, shared her experiences and the benefits of joining school organizations and clubs. Since the beginning of her education at BC, she has actively participated in the student community in various ways. She has volunteered at many BC events and has been a valuable member of multiple organizations, including the Film Club, The Observer and Student Government. Sheserved as a senator for two years and eventually held the officer position as the club’s communication representative.

Aside from sharing her positive experiences in the BC community, Iregui also spoke about the benefits she has received. She said that “she had fewer issues adjusting to the educational system, fewer issues creating connections with the student community surrounding her and was able to apply for more amazing opportunities like scholarships.”According to Student Life, these are currently some of the most popular organizations at Broward College with the most members. “Going by the numbers from last year, our top three student organizations with the most students were Phi Theta Kapp, Alpha Delta Rho, and 4th Wall Theatre Club, said DeAraujo. On Central Campus, the Art Club, Campus Activity Board, FBLA, Phi Theta Kappa and the Sociology Club are very popular, said Tinsley. DeCosta also said, “every year we host a college-wide Student Life Awards Banquet where we recognize all the accomplishments of the most active clubs at each campus. For North Campus, the PsychologyClub won the Student Organization of the Year and Student Organization of the Year awards. The Muslim Student Association won the Excellence in Service Award and the Social Science Club won the Program of the Year Award.

At the beginning of each semester, Student Life hosts a Club Rush event college-wide where all previous or new clubs have a table to recruit new members for the semester. South will be held on Sept. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 pm. in Bldg.68/Breezeway; Sept. 12 at Central at 11:30 a.m. in Bldg. 19, room 104 and Sept. 10 at North at 12 p.m. in Bldg. 46/Breezeway.

Students can go to the Student Life webpage ( to see the lists of active clubs and get club packets to register a new club or activate a returning one.

Photo courtesy of Broward College

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