Arianna Allen
Online and Podcast Editor
The Broward College’s student newspaper, The Observer, has decided to expand their platforms by adding a podcast to their repertoire. This platform discusses events, news and various topics that are occurring in not only the Broward College realm, but worldwide.
Elliot Tritto, former Central Bureau Chief, helped brainstorm the idea of starting a podcast which has been in full swing during this summer through the contributing staff members working diligently to produce content that will help inform fellow Seahawks. Staff members working on the podcast consist of Noel Cabrera, Editor in Chief, Curtis Michaud, News Editor and Arianna Allen- Online Editor and Podcast Editor, with Jennifer Shapiro as the Observer’s adviser.
Tritto originally got the idea of a podcast through listening to other podcasts from the Wall Street Journal and NPR. He described the idea of suggesting a podcast as being “spur of the moment.” He went onto to say that “it will show credibility and a good restart for the paper.”
When asked the question “how would you describe contributing to the Observer Podcast?” News Editor, Curtis Michaud, answered that “it has been a blast of great opportunity personally for me because I enjoy talking about sports and different topics pertaining to Broward College.”
Michaud went on to say that it is inspiring to have colleagues who share similar interests.
Due to the restrictions of social gatherings, all episodes have been recorded via Zoom.
The podcast industry is an up and coming business that is beginning to attract more and more listeners. The team has created the first ever Observer Podcast in hopes to attract and engage with a different type of viewer that would not typically read a newspaper.
College students tend to fall into the category of prevalent listeners. According to, podcast familiarity in the US ages 12 and older is estimated to be about 212 million people. Fifty-five percent of the US population 12 years and older listen to podcasts and 48 percent of people from ages 12-34 listen to podcasts monthly.
The team has put together several various episodes that will assist and inform fellow Seahawks during this time. From episodes like our staff giving tips to the incoming freshman to having guest speakers such as Cherly Pierre, the Director of Financial Aid Operations and Athletic Director Mike Goodrich on to discuss the extension of the Summer Cares Act Grant and the elimination of Broward College Athletics.

With the wide range of recent content and upcoming content to be released, whatever you are looking for, The Observer Podcast has got you covered! Click here for all our recent episodes.
The staff is looking forward to creating new content for our Seahawks. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to be the first to know when podcasts are released! Episodes can be expected to be released weekly.
Don’t forget to stay up to date and connected by following us on Twitter and Instagram @TheObserverBC and liking us on Facebook at the BC Observer. We perform several polls via our Instagram story to hear what content YOU, the student, is seeking. We hope to hear from you.
See you on the next podcast!