Ryan Marin
South Bureau Chief
The discussion at Broward College on subjects such as obstacles the black community face, systemic racism, the black-white wealth gap, is alive and kicking, thanks to Black Student Union. Black Student Union, also known as BSU, is a student-centered club where black students come together to have intellectual conversations on important issues and matters that impact the black community.
The subjects that students have discussed cover a wide spectrum, with topics such as white privilege, gentrification and American patriotism recently covered. It is a space where students can educate and empower each other in a judgment-free zone.
Peguy Auguste, a member of the club, believes BSU has helped educate him and get more informed. “It provides me with a safe zone where I can learn (from other black students). I don’t have siblings and my friends all moved for college. My parents aren’t from America, so they don’t really know about important social issues and how they affect the black community. Before BSU, I didn’t really have a place where I could discuss these topics.”
Along with these powerful conversations, the club also holds events on campus throughout the semester that bring in members of the black community to talk about their areas of expertise. On Feb. 27, BSU is hosting the Minority Mothers Matter event, where black female doctors come together to discuss black mothers and babies and the crises they face. The event will be held in building 68, room 191.
While the club is student-focused, it is impossible to talk about BSU without mentioning Professors Rudy Jean-Bart and Jenna Reed, who are instrumental to the success of the club. “These two professors provide a generational connection,” Ke’Andre Pippen, current president of the club said. “In the black community, there is always a battle between the ages. They help pass on information and create a sense of camaraderie between generations.”
Though the students feel they are gaining knowledge from the professors that advise the club, Professor Reed finds that she is just as often learning from the students. “I have learned so much from these students. Their thoughts and perspectives have been eye-opening.” She also finds that it is also a way of healing themselves of the wounds that society has inflicted upon them, saying “It is a place where they can discuss their problems and what is going on in their lives. It is almost like therapy.”
Overall, both students and professors feel that BSU is needed at Broward College, as it is a club that targets black students specifically and gets them involved. “I think BSU is very important, especially for a college like Broward College,’ said Vice President Daralynn Choate. I think it’s necessary to reach out to black students, because we don’t get this (type of) community anywhere but ourselves.”
The club meets every Thursday at 3:30 p.m in building 69, in the conference room on the second floor.