Are you downward dog for the Dolphins?

Michelle Castano

Staff Writer


September is known as national Yoga Month. On Sunday, Sept. 30, the Broward County community was invited to participate in “Yoga with the Fins.” 

Yogis from all ages and walks of life gathered under the Miami Dolphins Training Facility, known as “the bubble,” for a fun-filled and free admission event. 

A plus was that the event goers were also gifted a T-shirt with the name of the event and a yoga mat. 

Victoria Seremeta, marketing and communications manager at Baptist Health South Florida was in attendance at “Yoga with the Fins.” 

She said that the main purpose for this event was to get the community in Broward out and active. 

Baptist Health South Florida is really dedicated to making sure that the community stays healthy. Miami Cancer Institute, which was the sponsor for the even,t knows that yoga is one of those practices that can keep you healthy, before, during and after treatment. 

Dr. Priyanka Grover, MD who specializes in radiology, including breast radiology greeted the audience before the commencement of the workout. 

She stated that October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and reminded the health-conscious community of women to remember to get their annual mammogram screening. 

Dr. Grover also tied in the fact yoga is not just a physical aspect, but in fact, has spiritual and emotional benefits. 

The fact that the medical community hosted such event made the community realize that working out is an imperative aspect of one’s health no matter if you are taking a walk, performing a yoga stretch or participating in a high intensity workout.

The studio that was teaching “Yoga with the Fins” was Yoga Connection. They have locations in Davie and Pembroke Pines. 

According to Yoga Connection, each movement is coordinated with the breath. They incorporated poses that advanced, intermediate and beginner yogis were able to perform. 

Poses and stretches included the Sun Salutation, where you stand straight and stretch out your arms upwards to the Chatarunga where the yogi is holding their body in a “plank position.” 

Towards the end of the workout, there was a meditation. 

Mediation can be defined as a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness. 

Silencing the mind can be quite the difficult task but once attained, the individual can set intentions for the week, clarify the mind and understand the beauty of practice. 

While the yogis were meditating, they were in the Savasana pose, which is also known as the corpse pose where the person lies on their back. 

As the yoga event came to an end, everyone was saying the term, “Namaste.” 

Namaste has different variations of meaning, but to most it means “the divine in me bows down to the divine in you,, which is showing respect and saying thank you to one another. 

Overall, “Yoga with the Fins” was an interactive, physical and mindful experience. 

Baptist Heath South Florida hosts complementary exercise programs within Broward County. 

Further information on such exercise programs can be found at

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